What is Pilates?

Pilates is a system of more than 500 exercises developed by Mr. Joseph Pilates to bring our bodies back into balance.  Exercises are done sitting, standing, and lying down and incorporate bending, extending, twisting and rolling. Pilates builds full body strength that results in better posture, improved breath capacity, restored vitality, an improved mind and an elevated spirit that radiates into all aspects of your life.

I have an injury, is Pilates right for me?

Pilates is great for rehabilitation or recovery from an injury because it addresses your whole system not just the affected area. This whole body approach leads to results that are not only long lasting but can prevent further injury. It is strongly recommended you get clearance from your doctor before beginning Pilates. Taking a private lesson before entering a class is also highly recommended as I can better assist you and your needs in a one on one setting.

Is Pilates like yoga?

Pilates differs from yoga in several ways, the first being the equipment. The Pilates equipment is designed specifically for Pilates exercises and is spring loaded to assist in building strength and challenging your coordination. Another way they differ is Pilates uses movement to challenge your stability whereas yoga challenges your stability by holding static poses. In Pilates the breath is used to support the body in movement while in yoga the breath is used to focus and calm the nervous system.

What should I wear or bring to class?

Wear comfortable, form fitting clothes you would wear to either the gym or a yoga class. Please refrain from wearing leggings with zippers or rivets as those features can damage the upholstery of the equipment.  No baggy pants, shorts or tops as excessive material can get caught in the springs and effect execution of the exercises. Long hair should be pulled back as it can get caught in the springs during certain exercises. Please bring your own water.

I’ve never taken a Pilates class before, what can I expect?

Whether you start with a Private lesson or jump into a class, you will learn foundational movements that are the basis of every Pilates exercise. This series of exercises builds your awareness, strength and strategies for the second half of class where we flow from one exercise to the next. As your strength and coordination progress, new exercises are added to challenge you while reinforcing what you already know.

Something came up and I can’t make it to class, what do I do?

If you cannot make it to a scheduled class or private lesson, please email me at kristine@centerpointpilatesnek.com as soon as you can. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment you will be charged for holding your spot in the schedule.

If you don’t see your question answered here, please email me at kristine@centerpointpilatesnek.com. Thanks!